K9 Kup 2025


June 29, July 27, Aug 31, Sept 21

For Returning Players, what's new for 2025:

  1. Maximum 15 teams, maximum 8 members per team.

  2. FEO runs are allowed. AAC rules followed. FEO runs do not count for the team's score.

  3. BIS are allowed, must follow rules in the Rules Document below.

  4. Dogs must be a minimum of 12 months at the time for the June event to participate.

  5. Dogs with any AAC Advanced or Masters level titles are not allowed to participate.

  6. K9 Kup "Q"s - in addition to team scores, individual scores will be posted after each class. Q ribbons will be available for individual dogs who earned a Q under K9 Kup scoring rules (see the Scoring Document below). 

  7. Team results will be available immediately at the end of each event, and ribbons will be awarded at the end of the day for the top teams in each class, and the top overall team, at each event (in addition to the end of season final results).

K9 Kup Mission Statement:

K9 Kup is to be a learning experience for:

1) Handlers
2) Dogs
3) Volunteers (Timers, scribes, gatekeepers, etc.)
4) Judges

To provide the participants, human and canine, with an AAC Starters trial-like experience.

To promote an expectation of fun and good sportsmanship, with a focus on learning not winning. K9 Kup is rooted in the values of the AAC.

To encourage responsible dog ownership and safe participation, and to educate the public on the sport of agility, as rooted in the Paws4Fun mission statement.

Paws4Fun Mission Statement:

The purpose of the Club is to promote the competitive and recreational sport of canine agility through training, demonstrations, fun matches, social events, and sanctioned trials; to encourage responsible dog ownership and safe participation; and to educate the public on the sport of agility.

K9 Kup Overview:

Events are held monthly from June until September. Standard, Gamblers and Jumpers will alternate with Standard, Snooker and Steeplechase on K9 Kup Sundays.

Modified AAC Starter judging will be used. Refusals will not be faulted.

K9 Kup is a team competition, with 15 teams. Each team has a captain, and 8 participating dogs. The top 3 dogs on each team score for the team.

Teams are split into three divisions (blue, green and pink) that will run concurrently in 3 rings.

Weekend Schedule:

Saturday 4:30pm:
- Course Build & Setup
- Team's tents can be left after setup (at owner's risk)

- 8:00 am arrive
- First runs at 9:00 a.m

Detailed Documents:

  1. What to Expect at K9 Kup (coming soon)

  2. K9 Kup Rules (coming soon)

  3. K9 Kup Scoring Document (coming soon)

  4. Introduction to Judging at K9 Kup (coming soon)

2025 Team Registration

The Team Captain must register the Team. Registration opens 12:01am 1-April, and closes 11:59pm 14-April or when full.

2025 Team Member / Individual Registration

Opens 12:01am 15-April, and closes 31-May or when full.

Payment: is accepted only by e-transfer to treasurer@paws4funagility.ca
     if required use password "paws4fun"