K9 Kup Mission Statement:
K9 Kup is to be a learning experience for:
1) Handlers
2) Dogs
3) Volunteers (Timers, scribes, gatekeepers, etc.)
4) Judges
To provide the participants, human and canine, with an AAC Starters trial-like experience.
To promote an expectation of fun and good sportsmanship, with a focus on learning not winning. K9 Kup is rooted in the values of the AAC.
To encourage responsible dog ownership and safe participation, and to educate the public on the sport of agility, as rooted in the Paws4Fun mission statement.
Paws4Fun Mission Statement:
The purpose of the Club is to promote the competitive and recreational sport of canine agility through training, demonstrations, fun matches, social events, and sanctioned trials; to encourage responsible dog ownership and safe participation; and to educate the public on the sport of agility.