Retired Agility Dogs (RAD) Fun Match

The RAD fun match, held annually in the fall, gives retired agility dogs a chance to compete in a fun day of low stress agility, on courses built with no spreads or doubles, with extra time added. No more that one contact is used per course and it is set at special/vet height. Handlers may select any jump height for their dog, including bars set on the ground. RAD is held always in the fall, in hopes of having cool weather for the day.

This event has been held since 2016, and has proved to be very popular. It is tremendous fun for handlers and their retired dogs to have a chance to once again play the game they love together.

Three events are offered: Jumpers, Gamblers and Tunnelers.

Member Cost:  $10 per event, or $25 for all 3 events
Non-Member Cost:  $12 per event, or $30 for all 3 events

Schedule for the day: first dog on the line at 10am; anticipated event completion around noon.

2025 RAD

Date:  20 Sept 2025 (rain date 27 Sept)

Trials Secretary: to be determined
Judge: to be determined

Premium & Registration: coming in the summer of 2025

Payment: is accepted by e-transfer to , if required use password "paws4fun". Please indicate that your payment is for "RAD" in your e-transfer message.